This article, for healthcare professionals, gives a quick overview of how to view your clients' diaries in mySymptoms Clinic.
As a precursor, you may find it useful to read this article: How to Share Your Diary with Your Clinician to see how your client sends you an invitation from the mobile app to share their diary with you.
After you Sign In to mySymptoms Clinic, you will be taken to the dashboard view where you can see your current clients:
Any diary sharing invitations that you have not yet accepted will be shown next to the Invitations item in the left hand navigation panel. For example, this shows you have 1 pending invitation:
Click on the Invitations navigation item to see the pending invitations:
Click on the ✓ icon under the Actions column to accept the user's diary sharing invitation.
Go back to the Patients page (by clicking on the Patients entry in the navigation panel), and you will see the new client listed.
Click on the row for that patient to see their diary:
There are currently two tools available to help you analyse the diary.
First, you can highlight key words in the diary. For example, suppose the client is experiencing headaches, and you suspect it may be related to cheese or milk. Type these three terms in the search window separated by commas to see where they occur in the diary:
You also have the option to view the symptom trends over time. To do this click on the 'Charts' tab:
We will be adding more features soon. Keep an eye out on the News page!
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